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Hardwood Inlay Quenas
Hardwood Inlay Quenas
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Our Price: $110.00

Quantity in Stock:1

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Availability: Subject to availability
Product Code: UMBHIQ1

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Quena is a traditional end blown notch flute from the Andes mountains. Is tuned in G; A=440Hz (except request), and reach a register of about 3 octaves. These quenas are made with sustentable, well harvested, seasoned and stored bamboo, laquered inside and outisde for long lasting. High precision hard wood embouchure edge enhaces the sound and sound clarity (*), combined with a medium diameter bore that ensures easy blowing and full, rounded sound. Perfectly tuned, medium size rounded and undercut toneholes for fast response and mellow tone.
Tunable Quenas: How They Work

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